Auditing Undergraduate Courses

At the Anne Tanenbaum Centre for Jewish Studies, we are delighted that there are so many people interested in attending courses offered by our unit and/or our collaborating units. We encourage individuals who are interested in attending our courses out of academic, professional, or personal interest to consider auditing. Auditing a course can be a very rewarding experience and can enhance your knowledge and understanding of the course subject. Throughout the years, the ATCJS has hosted hundreds of auditors in dozens of courses, many auditors coming back on a yearly basis for several years based on their positive experiences. 

ATCJS Auditing Policy

The ATCJS auditing policy is as follows:

  • Course instructors have full authority to choose whether or not they will allow auditors to attend their course
  • Course instructors will give auditors instructions about what level of participation is allowed (e.g., in some course, auditors will be asked to wait until all students have had a chance to ask question/comment before participating). 
  • Auditors are not permitted to submit assignments or take tests/exams unless expressly allowed to do so by the course instructor
  • Please note that if you audit a course through the ATCJS, you will not receive any official credit for the course because you are not required to officially enrol/apply for the course and you do not pay any fees. 

Auditing Courses

Auditing Courses

If you are interested in auditing a class, please follow these instructions:

1. Email the instructor of the course asking permission to audit their course. If accepted, instructors will provide you with the location of the class and any other necessary information. 
a) Current undergraduate courses can be found here.
b) Instructor’s emails can be found here.

2. If you receive written permission to audit the course, please forward the email from the instructor to ATCJS Administrator, Natasha Richichi-Fried at, with the following information:
a) Your full name 
b) Your preferred email address

3. In some cases, the instructor will give you access to the course's online platform which may house course materials such as the syllabus, readings, and other relevant documents. In these cases, you will be provided with a username and password to access the course’s Quercus page. Please note there may be some course materials/readings that are not accessible to auditors for reasons outside the Centre's control. 

If you have any questions about auditing a CJS course this year, please email Thank you for your interest and cooperation!